Friday, May 27, 2016

How to weigh and take proper measurements

How to weigh and take proper measurements

Taking your body measurements is an excellent way to keep track of your changing shape as you get fit. When you burn fat and increase your muscle mass, you may weigh a bit more even though your body is getting tighter and smaller. Here is how you take 10 different body measurements. Remember to keep your muscles relaxed while you're measuring.

Bust: Don't squish yourself -- measure all the way around your bust and back right at your nipple line, and make sure the tape measure is not lower.

Chest: Measure under your breasts but as high up as you can go, keeping the tape measure parallel to this line when you reach it around your back.

Waist: Measure wherever it is the smallest (if you have "no waist" go around yourself right at the navel line).

Hips: Measure at the very biggest part -- even if that is so low that you are almost on the top of your thighs.

Midway: Measure midway between the very biggest part of your hips and your waist.

Thighs: Measure wherever they are the biggest.

Knees: Measure right above the Knee.

Calves: Measure wherever they are the biggest.

Upper arm: Measure wherever they are biggest above your elbows.

Forearms: Measure wherever they are biggest below your elbows.

I recommend weighing and taping yourself ONCE every 30 days-- If you do it too often, you will get discouraged if you do not see a change!!!

If you need to reorder more product... This special is AMAZING!

Fat Flush Waters


You should drink at least three 8 oz glasses per day, they say the longer it sits, the better it tastes. You can eat them as well but they are intended as flavoring and still work, so that is a personal choice. The Vitamin C turns fat into fuel, the tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, and the cucumber makes you feel full. Try it for 10 days and see what you think! Ingredients per Pitcher Water 1 whole sliced grapefruit 1 tangerine ½ cucumber, sliced 2 peppermint leaves Ice – as much as you like

Directions Wash grapefruit, tangerine cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice cucumber, grapefruit and tangerine (or peel). Combine all ingredients (fruits, vegetables, 8 oz water, and ice) into a large pitcher. Stir & Enjoy! In my personal opinion, I peeled the citrus fruit only so I didn't have the bitter taste of the peel! Each person should try it and see which way the like it best.

Do this for 10 day only!! You need to wait 3 months before repeating.


Whether you’re just trying to steer clear of the sugary drinks, or aim to really help your body flush out any toxins lurking in your system, this refreshing blend of foods and flavors will satisfy your tastebuds needs. >Included: Watermelon/cucumber, lemon/lime, mint leaves, and water.

Why Watermelon (or cucumber): Watermelon helps the body flush out toxins because it contains the organic compound citrulline, which is an amino acid that has been shown to help the liver and kidneys filter and get rid of ammonia. Ammonia comes in external forms, but is also a by-product of the proteins our bodies are burning up constantly for energy, and it’s quite damaging to our cells. Cucumber also contains citrulline, but not as much as watermelon. Watermelon may also just give the liver an overall boost.

Why water: H20 is just plain good for us, but it’s thought that it helps flush nasty toxins and waste through our system, giving organs like the liver and kidney an easier time doing their job.

Why lemon (or lime): Lemon or lime juice helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track (which is why it’s so helpful with constipation, heartburn and gas), stimulates bile production, and thins out bile, which allows it to flow more freely. Bile is produced by the liver and ends up in the small intestine to break down lipids (fats) that we’ve consumed.

Why mint leaves: Mint leaves are a nice refreshing flavor to add to your drink. On top of that, it can help you digest more effectively, improving the flow of bile from the liver, to the gallbladder, to the small intestine, where it breaks down dietary fats. Mint also helps relax cramped up stomach muscles.

-1-2 liters’ of water, depending on how strong you want it to taste
-Part of 1 watermelon or 1 cucumber
-1 lemon or lime
-A handful of fresh mint leaves (approximately 10-13)
-Ice cubes


Slice up a good amount of watermelon into cubes, rind and all, and put them into a jug or pitcher. Cut 1 juicy lime into wedges and toss in with the watermelon. Add a handful of fresh, fragrant, mint leaves and pour in 2 liters of cool water, filling the jug all the way to the top. Let this sit overnight in the fridge and let all the yummy flavors steep and infuse the water. When you want to drink it, put in a generous helping of ice cubes, pour, and enjoy daily.

Watermelon & mint

Cucumber & lemon.

Flavor Tips

• Try substituting a lemon for the lime, cucumber for the watermelon, or a combination of all of them.

• Pour water in first and then add the ingredients. I feel like there’s more of a burst of flavor when the water gets poured in and everything swirls around, but there’s something to be said for letting it gently infuse itself as well (the water tends to stay a bit clearer as well.)

• Don’t add ice to the entire jug, and leave it on a cup-by-cup basis. If you plan on drinking it over time, this can help prevent it from getting diluted as the ice melts.

• Start with 2 liters’ of water steeping overnight, and then experiment with longer/shorter times and more or less water.

• Squeeze in the juice of 1 lime and/or lemon and then slice up another and add that to give it a little extra citrus kick.

• This isn’t for flavor, but this drink looks mighty appealing in a glass pitcher on a hot summer day.

DIY Detox Drink

We all have different tastes and preferences, and like to mix things up every once in a while too. Experiment by trying out various ingredients, amounts, and methods (like blending, or boiling into a tea, or infusing into water, etc.) Below is a list of foods that have been shown to help boost your built-in detox system (namely liver, G.I., and kidney function.) If possible, always buy organic to avoid chemical ingredients or pesticides.

Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens: This group includes a lot of veggie superheroes, and is why you see so many “green” detox drinks or smoothies. Included are broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, bok choy, and spinach. Broccoli and co. increases the amount of glucosinolate (organic compounds) in our body, which in turn help create enzymes that help our body’s breakdown and digest things. Leafy greens like lettuce and bok choy have the ability to neutralize metals, chemicals, and pesticides that find their way into our systems.

Avocado: Avocados can help your body produce an antioxidant, glutathione, which our liver needs to do its job and filter properly.

Grapefruit: High in antioxidants and vitamin C, grapefruit or grapefruit juice also aids the liver in flushing carcinogens (things linked to causing cancer, like stuff in cigarettes and tobacco, as well as some pre-prepared foods) and possibly pesticides out of the body.

Beets: The systems in the body all work together, and for various reasons beets seem to be helpful to more than one major organ. However, they’ve shown themselves to be particularly helpful when it comes to aiding the liver in detoxification.

If it’s chilly, try making some detox tea to keep you warm and healthy, or mix up an icy cool drink in hot weather. Play around with what you like and keep in mind things you know are good for your body’s own detox system-not things that claim to be a miracle detox system all on their own

 Miraculous Weight Loss Drink

– 1 cup unsweetened 100% cranberry juice
– 7 cups purified water
– 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
– 1/4 tsp ground ginger
– 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
– 3/4 Cup fresh squeezed orange juice (approx 3 oranges)
– 1/4 Cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (approx 1-2 lemons)

Bring water to a boil; add cranberry juice, reduce heat to low
Add cinnamon, ginger, & nutmeg, stir and let simmer for 20 minutes; let it cool down to room temperature

Stir in orange & lemon juices... Add ice and enjoy!

 Coconut Watermelon Breeze

3 cups cubed chilled watermelon
1 cup coconut water
squeeze of fresh lime
sprig of mint
Throw it all in a blender. Blend till smooth.

Friday, May 20, 2016

General Weight Loss Information

General Weight Loss Information

While there is no “one size fits all” solution to permanent healthy weight loss, the following guidelines are a great place to start:

1. Think lifestyle change, not short-term diet. Permanent weight loss is not something that a “quick-fix” diet can achieve. Instead, think about weight loss as a permanent lifestyle change—a commitment to your health for life. Various popular diets can help to jump
start your weight loss, but permanent changes in your lifestyle and food choices are what will work in the long run.

2. Set a realistic weight-loss goal. Most experts recommend aiming for half a pound to 2 pounds a week.

3. Keep track. Dieters who keep track of everything they eat lose twice as much weight as those who don't, research shows.  I recommend the site myfitnesspal it works great and you log your food by brand name, this is more accurate when counting sugars, sodium, carbs and calories.

4. Motivate yourself. Get a pair of jeans or pants that are too tight and hang them in the kitchen instead of the closet to keep yourself inspired.

5. Get help from family and friends. Dieters who have support from a partner at home lose more weight than those who don't, studies show.

WEIGHT-LOSS CHALLENGE: Lose the excuses to get in shape

6. Move it to lose it. Research shows that people who do physical activities such as walking or biking for two to four hours a week during weight-loss efforts lose an extra 3 to 5 pounds over a year.

7. Pay attention to portions. A 3-ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards; 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine, a standard postage stamp; a cup of cold cereal, berries or popcorn, a baseball; 4-inch pancake or waffle, the diameter of a CD.

8. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of the foods that sabotage your weight loss.

9. Create "a dinner deck." This would include 10 favorite quick and healthful dinners written on index cards. Each card should list the ingredients for the recipe on one side and directions for making it on the other.

10. Avoid hunger. Eat regular meals and snacks. Make sure you have some protein foods such as yogurt, tuna, beans or chicken for most meals. Some research suggests that protein helps you feel full longer.

11. Keep produce on hand. Place a bowl of vegetables such as broccoli, snap peas, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. You can eat them as a snack or when preparing meals to take the edge off your hunger.

12. Stock up on "impulse fruits." Keep things like grapes, clementines, small apples, small bananas and pears around the house. These foods are easy to eat without having to do much cutting and slicing.

13. Make some stealth changes. That will get everyone in the family eating healthier. Buy low-fat 1% or skim milk, low-fat cream cheese and reduced-fat cheese instead of the full-fat versions. Use them in recipes to cut the fat and calories.

14. Cut out liquid calories. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks such as sweetened iced tea, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages. Liven up the taste of water by adding lemon, lime, cucumber or mint. Choose skim and 1% milk.

15. Practice the "Rule of One." When it comes to high-calorie foods, you won't go wrong if you allow one small treat a day. That might be one cookie or a fun-sized candy bar.

16. Pace, don't race. Force yourself to eat more slowly and savor each bite.

17. Hydrate before meals. Drinking 16 ounces, or two glasses, of water before meals may help you eat less.

18. Downsize plates, bowls, glasses, silverware. Using smaller versions of your serving ware will help you eat less food naturally. Using blue/mint green plates can also help suppress your appetite-- using red/yellow/orange plates will STIMULATE your appetite!

19. Adopt the motto "after 8 is too late" for snacks after dinner.

20. Buy a pedometer. Health experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day, which is roughly 4 to 5 miles, depending on your stride length.

21. Treat yourself occasionally. If your chocolate craving is getting to you, try diet hot-chocolate packets. If you need a treat, go out for it or buy small prepackaged portions of ice cream bars. If you love chocolate, consider keeping bite-size pieces in the freezer.

22. Dine at a table. Eat from a plate while seated at a table. Don't eat while driving, lounging on the couch or standing at the fridge.

23. Dine out without pigging out. Figure out what you are going to eat in advance. Get salad dressing on the side. Restaurants usually put about one-quarter cup (4 tablespoons) of dressing on a salad, which is often too many calories. Best to stick with 1 to 2 tablespoons. Dip your fork into the dressing and then into the salad.

24. Get plenty of sleep. Scientists have found that sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes you feel full. The effects may lead to overeating and weight gain.

25. Weigh yourself regularly. That's what successful dieters and those who manage to maintain weight loss do. I recommend weigh yourself every 2 weeks. Remember the tape measure will show you true weight loss, you can measure yourself weekly or biweekly. 

26. Reward yourself. When you meet your incremental weight loss goals, say losing 5 pounds, treat yourself to something — but not food. Buy a CD or DVD you've been wanting or go out to a movie with a friend. Better yet, buy that bathing suit you wanted even if it is one size too small, at this rate you will fit it before Beach time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Metabolism Boosting Foods

Metabolism Boosting Foods

Here’s how these 10 fat-blasting superstars help you lose weight and how to increase metabolism.

Each of these healthy weight-loss boosters fills you up and keeps you full longer on fewer calories.

Water-rich fresh fruits, veggies and soup dilute the calories in your food and allow you to eat more without breaking the calorie bank.

High-fiber fruit, vegetables and nutritious whole grains keep your digestive system on track and steady insulin levels, which prevents fat storage.

Lean meat boosts metabolism and burns calories because it take more energy to digest than other foods.

Another Good way how to increase metabolism is to try a new diet that cycles your calories with some on day and other days off of your diet.

1. Water - A new study seems to indicate that drinking water actually speeds up weight loss and is a great way how to increase metabolism. Researchers in Germany found that subjects of the study increased their metabolic rates (the rate at which calories are burned) by 30 percent after drinking approximately 17 ounces of water. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant that banishes bloat as it flushes out sodium and toxins. Drinking enough water will also help keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger. So drink up!

Make sure that you are starting your day with a big big glass of water and drink throughout the day not just all at one time.

2. Green Tea - Studies show that green tea extracts boost metabolism and may aid in weight loss. This mood-enhancing tea has also been reported to contain anti-cancer properties and help prevent heart disease. It’s also a trendy drink among weight-conscious celebrities.

You may Have already seen my green tea articles but this may be one really fantastic herb and it tastes nice too!

3. Soup - Eat less and burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. According to a Penn State University study, soup is a super appetite suppressant because it’s made up of a hunger-satisfying combination of liquids and solids. In the study, women chose one of three 270-calorie snacks before lunch. Women who had chicken and rice soup as a snack consumed a n average of 100 fewer calories than those in the study who opted for a chicken and rice casserole or the casserole and a glass of water.

I used to joke that soup is not a meal but it really does fill you for very few calories and remember that when you eat a food with a lot of taste it really will satisfy.

4. Grapefruit - The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at Scripps Clinic found that participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal in a 12-week period lost an average of 3.6 pounds. The study indicates that the unique chemical properties in this vitamin C-packed citrus fruit reduce insulin levels, which promotes weight loss and boost metabolism. NOTE: If you are taking medication, check with your doctor about any potentially adverse interactions with grapefruit.

Grapefruit, because of the soft peel is a nice alternative to an apple of orange and study after study of the last 30 years has shown that it can really help burn fat.

5. Apples and Pears - Overweight women who ate the equivalent of three small apples or pears a day lost more weight on a low-calorie diet than women who didn’t add fruit to their diet, according to re searchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Fruit eaters also ate fewer calories overall. So next time you need to satisfy a sugar craving, reach for this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You’ll feel full longer and eat less.

6. Broccoli - Study after study links calcium and weight loss. Broccoli is not only high in calcium, but also loaded with vitamin C, which boosts calcium absorption. This member of the nutritious cabbage family also has plenty of vitamin A, folate and fiber. And, at just 20-calories per cup, this weight-loss superfood not only fights fat but also contains powerful phytochemicals that boost your immunity and protect against disease.

7. Low-Fat Yogurt - Dairy products can boost weight loss efforts, according to a study in the April issue of Obesity Research. People on a reduced-calorie diet who included three to four servings of dairy foods lost significantly more weight than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories. Low-fat yogurt is a rich source of weight-loss-friendly calcium, providing about 450 mg (about half the recommended daily allowance for women ages 19-50) per 8-ounce serving, as well as 12 grams of protein.

As far as superfoods go Yogurt is right there. It includes calcium, protein and a ton of other nutrients as well as good bacteria and probiotics for you digestive tract.

8. Lean Turkey - Rev up your fat-burning engine with this bodybuilder favorite. Countless studies have shown that protein can help boost metabolism, lose fat and build lean muscle tissue so you burn more calories. A 3-ounce serving of boneless, skinless lean turkey breast weighs in at 120 calories and provides 26 grams of appetite-curbing protein, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat.

With the price of chicken going up and up these days Turkey has become a great alternative. Remember that Turkey is a little tougher than chicken and the taste is a little different but it is not just for Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore.

9. Oatmeal - This heart-healthy favorite ranks high on the good carb list, because it’s a good source of cholesterol-fighting, fat-soluble fiber (7 grams per 3/4-cup serving) that keeps you full and provides you with the energy you need to make the most of your workouts. Just be sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, not instant oatmeal, to get your full dose of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

For many years now Pro Bodybuilders have relied on Oatmeal as a staple of their breakfast, it is amazingly high in nutrients.

10. Hot Peppers - Eating hot peppers can speed up and boost metabolism and cool your cravings, researchers at Laval University in Canada found. Here’s why: Capsaicin (a chemical found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers) temporarily stimulates your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories.

Don't forget to check out BeaYoutiful Health often, I'm posting lots of info in there to help you be successful